Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Fair....

We took Brennan to the fair last night and it was a lot of fun. I wasn't too sure if he was quite big enough to enjoy it, but he did. We started the night with some yummy fair food then walked around the fair booths for a while. We went and saw all the animals and fed some. We even saw some farm lady milking a goat and the she must have been thirsty because she started drinking the milk straight from the utter! It was.... interesting. We ended the night with a few games and rides. It was a lot of fun and I'm sure we'll go back next summer!

Us ans the BIG cows

Brennan petting the baby cow

Me, Brennan, Llama

Feeding Goats

I actually won this game

Brennan and I on the Dumbo ride

The Family

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just cuz...

So Brennan got some pretty awesome new pajamas and I had to take some pics of him in them... My kid is so PUNK ROCK!