Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our Day at the ZOO...

Yesterday we decided to take a little family trip to Idaho Falls to go to the zoo. It was Brennan's first time visiting a zoo and he loved it. He really likes animals. His favorites were for sure the monkeys and the goats. He ran up and down the halls of the monkey building running up to all of the windows and laughing and trying to touch the monkeys through the glass. When we got around to the goats he got to feed them, which he loved. He was able to actually touch the goats and feed them out of his hand. He laughed the whole time because the goats' mouths tickled him. We also saw lots of other animals including a brand new baby camel which was really cute. The zoo was definitely much smaller than the zoos I've been to before, but it was what Idaho had to offer and Brennan didn't know any better anyways. As we left, Brennan picked out a monkey stuffed animal from the gift shop to take home with him. Overall, it was a fun day.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Brennan pics...

Yesterday we had a little Gibson family BBQ. Brennan had a lot of fun playing with his Idaho cousins. Everywhere Hailey and Jimmy went, Brennan followed. The two took turns pushing Brennan in the swingset, which he loves. Here's a few pics...