Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Brennan pics...

Yesterday we had a little Gibson family BBQ. Brennan had a lot of fun playing with his Idaho cousins. Everywhere Hailey and Jimmy went, Brennan followed. The two took turns pushing Brennan in the swingset, which he loves. Here's a few pics...


  1. that boy is so dang cute! man your mom must have the cutest grandboys ever!!!!

  2. Natalie...So glad you're joining the blogging world! It will be fun to keep up with your family. Brennan has already changed so much since I saw him last! Good luck in Idaho...hope to see you camping this summer!

  3. I'm so glad you started a blog! I can't believe how big Brennan is getting! He is such a cutie! I hope you guys like being in Idaho, I think its a cool least wherever I have been there... :) Where are you living exactly??
