Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

We had a fun 4th of July this year! We had a big BBQ at Justin's aunt's house with about 30 people. Before everyone came over Brennan went swimming in the kiddie pool while it was pretty nice outside. Then out of nowhere came the biggest hail storm I've seen since moving to Idaho. It's weird because it probably rained at least 20 days out of June and as soon as it left, it came back 10 times worse of 4th of July. Idaho weather is so crappy and unpredictable! The streets flooded and the ground was covered in ice for about an hour and a half and then it just ended. The sky cleared and we got ready for fireworks. Luckily, we live just up the street from the fairgrounds where they do the Pocatello firework show, so we were able to set up chairs on the front lawn and watch at our house. Brennan loved watching fireworks... it was his first time seeing them.

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